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Oral and Written Communication


       As someone who has always considered themselves a neat and organized person (shout out to my agenda for keeping my life in order!), my time as the Secretary for Global Studies Group and my Legal Assistant Internship has allowed me to put my organizational skills to the test. As the secretary for Global Studies Group, it is part of my job description to be organized, keep accurate and up-to-date minutes about each meeting, take attendance and so much more.

       Additionally, my time during my internship required me to keep neat and accurate updates about each current case as well as organize and file those that have been completed. Both positions have allowed me to proficiently use technology in the workforce including specific software like CLEO at the law firm, multi-task and prioritize within specific timeframes as well as being to overall remain alert to any chances that need to happen. 

       Communication is not only at the base of our society but is a fundamental skill to achieve in today’s ever-changing world. As a Student Fundraiser for the University of Florida I have the opportunity to talk to our universities alumni from all different colleges about their experiences at the university as well as help convince them to donate to their college. So far I have raised over $25,000 for the College of Liberal Arts and College of Engineering.

        Additionally, my time running for District A Senate position with Access gave me the opportunity to talk to hundred of students from all different backgrounds within a couple of weeks not only campaigning but also hearing about what changes they would like to see on campus. I learned to be fearless, take rejection and go up to complete strangers and tell them about myself in a short period of time while walking with them.

       Both of these positions have allowed me to talk to people from not only all backgrounds both domestic and international based but who also range from farmers to high-level executives. I’ve also gained rapport building skills that have allowed me to make connections with people in short amounts of time and enhance both forms of my communications skills. 

Event Planning

       I have always enjoyed the whole process of planning events and seeing the whole transformational process; from starting as a simple idea on a piece of paper to the final event with everyone in attendance and having a ball. Being the Social Chair for UF’s French Chair allowed me the opportunity to use my creativity and party planning skills to help come up with ideas such as the Halloween Corn Maze and see their evolution from just being a simple idea to becoming a group social.

       My job as social chair expanded beyond just helping come up with and plan for events and socials, it also required that i help ensure that each and every member or potential member is having fun and feels included. This past experience has allowed me to learn what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to planning events, the best ways to market to a certain audience, how to recruit and retain members, as well as practice my communication skills. 


       I have been fortunate enough to be able to have traveled throughout Europe and been out in situations that have required me to adapt to different cultures, languages, and customs. Since I got my toes wet traveling internationally when I was in high school I knew that I enjoyed learning and immersing myself into different cultures. I think the best way to learn about the world and see another’s perspective is to step into their shoes and see how their day-to-day lives in their country. 

       Nelson Mandela once said, "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” i think this quote speaks volumes because if you make at least a little effort learning each country’s culture and language when you visit not only do you become more adaptable but it shows that you respect their country, culture and language as well. 

       Solo traveling this past spring break throughout Sweden and Denmark was the ultimate test for my adaptability. For me, I loved emerging myself 100% into their culture and essentially become as Swedish or Danish that I could. I took part in Fika, tried to speak the language as best as I could, and found by adapting into their culture that I never felt like a tourist nor was I perceived as one but rather as just another Swede or Dane living their life. This for me is the best part of traveling and a great way to become a global citizen.

Critical and Analytical Thinking

       Thinking critically and analytically is an important skill to learn in today’s world. Interning at the law firm as a legal assistant as well as being a student has allowed me to learn more about not only the necessity of critical thinking when solving problems but the best ways to fine tune these skills. The field of law requires strong critical thinking in order to find loopholes in the law or the procedures done in order to help your client. At my internship, I assisted in transcribing and analyzing video recordings and documents to help find any discrepancies as well as tried to think of out-of-the-box solutions or questions that needed to be answered.

       As a liberal arts student within the field of international studies and political science, I have learned the importance of analyzing and critical thinking documents, laws, United States Supreme Court decisions, and so much more. When doing research papers, one of the key compartments in producing a well prepared paper is analyzing your data and interpreting it in new and original manner. Even reading textbooks and understanding passages require the usage of thinking out-out-the-box and trying to come up with new solutions.

       Both of these experiences have helped me think that answers aren't just black and white or what they appear, sometimes they require analyzing and thinking originally by looking in the grey areas. 

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